2024 Conducting School
ABODA NSW & ANCA ACT/NSW are pleased to announce our 2024 Conducting School.
Dates: February 16-18 (Friday 6pm-8pm; Saturday & Sunday 9am-5pm)
Venue: Newington College, Stanmore
Level 1 - $400/$200 (concession)
Level 2a (Course work) - $400/$300 (concession)
Level 2b (Course work + podium time) - $550/$400 (concession)
To apply, please complete the form below. A payment link will be sent out early in the new year.
Due to demand, enrolment will be limited to ABODA & ANCA members. Memberships can be purchased at https://www.abodansw.com.au/membership or https://www.anca.org.au/join
Level 1
Welcome to the podium! How to start, stop and manage everything in-between.
This practical course is designed to fine-tune basic conducting and rehearsal techniques. Suitable for musicians studying at a tertiary level; those starting out on their instrumental/choral conducting careers; or those who have never conducted before. Topics to be covered include conducting mechanics (simple and compound time signatures, pauses, tempo changes etc), cueing, score preparation and rehearsal techniques. All participants will have the opportunity to work with a professional repetiteur to help develop their conducting.
Level 2 Choral
Level 2a – Course work
Level 2b – Course work + podium time with Sydney Philharmonia Choirs (VOX)
Note: It is expected that participants complete level 2a before applying for level 2b
Gesture and rehearsal technique that promotes healthy singing.
As choral conductors, we are always asking ourselves the question what do the singers need from us, what helps them and what hinders them. The choral conductor that communicates with a free body gets a very different sound to one that is locked and hunched over their score. Discover what gestures promote a healthy vocal response and allows the music to move forward. Other areas covered include score preparation and rehearsal techniques.
Level 2 Instrumental
Level 2a – Course work
Level 2b – Course work + podium time with the NSW Police Band
Note: It is expected that participants complete level 2a before applying for level 2b
Learn to ‘float like a butterfly and sting like a bee’ (quote Muhammad Ali)
Stimulated by our own internal imagery, good conducting technique is the springboard upon which we are able to conduct music expressively. Rather than conduct the music, learn ways to BE the music. The musical conduit for this is developing one’s ability to ‘phrase conduct’. Attendees will work through and conduct examples and prescribed set works with a professional accompanist. Score preparation and rehearsal techniques will also be an integral part of the learning experience.